My artistic training has been characterized largely by figurative art, but during my whole professional art education, from Higt School of Art, to my Design degree, I explored my personal approach. So, after several years, I renounced to express myself just with figurative art, and I choosed to start a differnt, more wide journey. It showed me something that goes beyond what I've always done, known. I discovered, through a deep inner journey, the power to let myself be guided by "vibrations" and energies, to paint something intangible and extremely authentic.
the aesthetic of emotion
I am looking for Authenticity, so I try to represent my personal deep path, an inner exploration, my “journey into Light”: I call it “The Aestethic of Emotion”.
My artworks can be compared to a soundtrack, without words that suggest meanings, as the absence of figures cannot suggest settings and images, and leaves people free to interpret, their own emotion, their own light. As "kintsugi" and "wabi sabi" philosophy suggests, we can embrace our scars, recover broken objects, recover ourselves, because we are unique in our fragility, we are resilient, we add value to ourselves and embellish ourselves through the celebration of these defects. Looking carefully at the canvases, it is possible to see many other colors and elements. Sometimes they are buried, or they appear under multiples pictorial and material paths, as sedimented memories. Memories belong to their own dimension and they are fundamental to preserving our past, but the present is the protagonist. The Artwork represents several moments, frames of memories througth time.